
A green shield with the word vandel on it

VANDEL (pron. - vondel) honours the memory of Fr Jean Marie Vandel MSC, b. Nernier 1808 - d.1877.

Fr Vandel joined the MSC late in life, at age 57; prior to that time, he was a diocesan priest, having been ordained in the Diocese of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1846. He is often spoken of as the ‘second founder of the MSC’ and was highly regarded by Fr Chevalier for his wisdom, experience, zeal and holiness.

Fr Vandel enjoyed great respect and the affection of those amongst whom he worked. He was known for his humility and compassionate kindness, his spirit of piety, his patience and his natural modesty. He was a man of great gratitude for all that was done for him or given to him, so much so such that he was often moved to tears. This sense of gratitude marked Fr Vandel as a man of exceptional character. He may be remembered as a ‘quiet light’ for his steady strength and consistency. The light of his example, his faith, charity and patient kindness inspired many and gave them unforgettable memories of Fr Vandel. Fr Vandel founded the Apostolic School for boys wishing to become MSC, of whom there were 150 in its first year of opening in 1867 at Chezal-Benoît, close to Issoudun in France. 

Vandel crest colour and symbols:

Green – hope and new life (young MSCs emerging from the Apostolic School)

Open book – learning, knowledge, truth

Hands – strength, action, faith, prayerfulness

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