
Middle School

YEARS 7, 8 & 9

Our Middle School curriculum program implements the Australian Curriculum and the Queensland Essential Learning, while supporting our students to achieve to the very best of their ability.

Our program also aims to:

  • Infuse teaching and learning with our MSC Pedagogy of the Heart and Habits of Mind.
  • Promote and acknowledge academic excellence.
  • Continuously improve assessment and reporting processes.
  • Embed Information Communication and Technologies (ICTs) in all learning areas.
  • Regularly monitor and report on individual student academic progress.
  • Allow students to have some choice in the design of their specific curriculum program.
  • Adequately prepare students for transition into the Senior years of schooling.

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities including History and Geography
  • Languages
  • The Arts
  • Technology
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Agricultural Education
  • Business Studies

The Years 7 - 10 Curriculum Handbook outlines the information which explains how the curriculum is organised and provides advice on how students and parents/carers can work in partnership with the school to plan a well-rounded and success-oriented curriculum experience for all students.

Central to the Middle School curriculum is encouraging students to develop a love of learning while promoting student success at learning. At °ÄÁùͼ¿â, the concept of success is recognised in broad terms and in such a way as to build the academic strengths of each student. In essence, we aim to engage students in learning processes which will help them to strengthen their learning gifts, talents and abilities.

The °ÄÁùͼ¿â Years 7 - 10 curriculum program is aligned to state and national developments in curriculum, and it is, therefore, both relevant and current to today’s adolescent learner. Our program reflects both breadth and depth of learning, and it prepares students well for study in Years 11 and 12 and beyond.

The Years 7 - 10 Curriculum Handbook outlines the information which explains how the curriculum is organised and provides advice on how students and parents/carers can work in partnership with the school to plan a well-rounded and success-oriented curriculum experience for all students.

The Middle School Curriculum Program spans eight semesters (two semesters per year) of study and extends from the beginning of Year 7 until the end of Year 10. Each semester, students experience a selection of units of study across several learning areas.

For each semester of study across Years 7 to 10, the typical student curriculum program involves the study of seven units of study. Most Years 7 to 10 units of study are one semester in length, except for Year 7 units of study in Technology and The Arts. Students complete a rotation of eight different units of study during the year.

Please note that a variation to a typical student workload is to be discussed with the Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning.

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