
A blue shield with the word jouet on it

JOUËT (pron. - jooeh) is named in honour of Fr Victor Jouët MSC, b. Corsica 1839 - d.1912.

Fr Jouët was a diocesan priest in Marseilles, France, before becoming an MSC. In doing so, he met significant resistance from his local bishop, but he persevered none-the-less.

Fr Jouët is remembered as being exuberant, highly intelligent, enthusiastic, and a man of great personal charm who was capable of conquering the most insurmountable obstacles. He had fire in his soul, an active spirit and an energetic will; he knew when to act and when to pause and wait before taking up again the activity he had begun. A man of ardent faith and of complete self-abnegation, he never thought of himself. Fr Jouët had a special devotion to Our Lady and he instituted the annual procession in honour of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Issoudun

Jouët crest colour and symbols:

Blue - the colour for Mary

Rose – hope, joy

Stylised heart and hands

Crown – sovereignty, Mary Queen of Heaven

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